The Skins tool is your one-stop-shop for making visual changes to your platform, allowing you to change the background login page, text colours, and many other features.
Much of the personality of your platform depends on the colour and design used, this is where Skins will give you the freedom to be creative.
Important: The instructions in this article assume you have sufficient permission to access the Skins tool. If not, please contact our Support Team at for assistance.
Creating Skins
The below options are available when creating a Skin for your platform - which can be set globally, or per country (aka brand).
Note: These are the same options shown when editing existing Skins.
To begin creating a new Skin, go to System -> Skins, then click New Skin.
- Skin Name – Enter a (unique) name for this Skin.
Tip: We recommend giving your Skin a descriptive name, based on its intended use.
- Custom Skin – Choose whether to apply the skin to external (guest) pages, such as Customer Feedback forms.
- Targeting Country – Select which country/countries the skin will be applied to. See Targeting for more information.
Tip: Leave this option blank if you wish to use as the default platform Skin.
- **Styling Options – Various fields & options used to create the look-and-feel of the Skin. See Skin Styles for more information.
- Active - Choose whether to make the Skin available for platform use.
Managing Skins
The below options are available for managing your Skins.
Enabling/Disabling Skins
To enable a skin, simply click on the X icon - which will change to a checkmark icon. Similarly, to disable a skin, simply click on the checkmark icon - which will change to an X icon.
Important: It is not possible to enable/disable the skin that is set as the 'default'. In order to do this for the (current) 'default' skin, you would need to set a different skin as the default first.
Setting a Default Skin
In order to set a new skin as the 'default', simply click on the X icon next to the applicable skin name.
Note: A prompt will appear asking you to confirm that you would like to change the 'default' skin. Click on the Yes button.
Copying Skins
Simply click on the 'double paper' (copy) icon next to the skin's name to create a copy.
Note: A prompt will appear asking you to confirm that you would like to copy the skin. Click on the Yes button.
Tip: Copying a skin is handy when you want to make minimal changes to an existing skin, without the need of going through all of the styling options again.
Editing/Updating Skins
Simply click on the 'pencil' (edit) icon next to the skin's name to be directed to the Update Skin page. Once done, click on the Update button.
Note: Once you have successfully updated the skin, you will automatically be redirected back to the Skins tool page.
Deleting Skins
Simply click on the 'trash' (delete) icon next to remove the skin from your platform.
Important: It is not possible to delete the skin that is set as the 'default'. In order to do this for the (current) 'default' skin, you would need to set a different skin as the default first.
Note: A prompt will appear asking you to confirm that you would like to delete the skin. Click on the Yes button.