Introduction to the Account Group Hierarchy

The Account Hierarchy is a fundamental concept in the platform that affects nearly every function available. It is designed to be flexible enough to be able to reflect the hierarchical structure of most businesses and organisations, from upper management to entry-level employees. The result is a system of cascading management abilities, whereby higher level accounts have responsibility and control over lower-level accounts.

This hierarchy, alongside the Location Hierarchy, play a crucial role in forming the overall organisational structure in the platform. They also have a central role in targeting content to users, as they act as the primary selection criteria. This should be kept in mind when setting up your accounts. 

Check out the below video regarding the platform's account hierarchy, and then read on to see a breakdown further of the different Roles.

Account Roles

The account hierarchy consists of six (6) Roles in total (as outlined below). You are then able to create an unlimited number of Groups within these Roles, allowing for better organisation and more appropriate distribution of content.

Administrators (Role)

For the purposes of these Help pages, World Managers and National Managers are considered Administrators, given their unique ability to create and issue content for other users to consume, and emulate other users.

World Manager – This is the highest level Role in the platform. World Managers have the unique ability to configure the platform in a number of ways, and can view any and all content that exists on the platform. Unlike all other Roles, World Managers are not linked to any specific country, area, or location, as they overlook everything.

National Manager – Similar to World Managers in their ability to create content and emulate users, but are only able to do so for specific countries. Although they don't undertake training, they have a larger role than World Managers when it comes to partaking in normal platform operations, such as signing off on content.

Managers (Role)

For the purposes of these Help pages, the three Roles below are considered Managers; given their concentrated role in managing the users within their branches of the hierarchy. However, like Employees, Managers themselves can be assigned training content to be completed, and their training progression directly contributes to the gauges seen in the Performance Monitor.

Area Managers – The most senior of the Manager type Roles; Area Managers overlook the General Managers, Store Managers, and Employees attached to the locations (within their area).

General Manager – The last of the Manager type Roles (including National) that can be assigned to multiples of their corresponding region types. In short, General Managers can be made to overlook multiple locations. See the Multiplicity section (below) for more information.

Store Manager – Responsible for individual locations, the Store Manager Role typically corresponds to managers of business locations, stores, restaurants, etc.

Employee (Role)

Typically the most populous of the Roles, Employees usually represent some kind of team member at the stores and locations of a business. They have no control over the setup and management of locations and other users, and have the primary responsibility of ensuring that their fuel gauges are completed.

See Adding Employee Groups for more information.


National, Area, and General Managers can be setup so that they overlook multiples of their region types. This makes it possible for National Managers to have control over more than one country, Area Managers to have control over more than one area, and for General Managers to overlook more than one location. This is ideal for situations where a user's real-world management jurisdiction doesn't match with any of the standard account groups.

Note: When a Manager looks over multiple of their region types, it adds an asterisk to their account group name – e.g. *Area Manager, *National Manager, etc.

The below is a visual representation of the above explained, World Manager Hierarchy. 

Tip: If your business needs to customise permissions even further to the set Role types, you can set custom permissions per user to tailor account access even further. See more information on Account Custom Permissions.

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