ACTIV Error Codes

This article outlines some of the error codes users may experience when working with ACTIV presentations.

Note: These errors will only appear once/if you click on the "Save" button (top right).

Error. Code: 403

What does this mean?

Error code 403 occurs when you have have multiple platform-related tabs open, and you have selected a country in (at least) one of those tabs.

For example, if you open an ACTIV from world level (tab 1), then access a country, aka national level (tab 2), then try to save the world level ACTIV (tab 1), it will show you a 403 error code/message.

The fix?

Please close any/all other platform-related tabs you have open, and ensure you are at the correct level (world or national) that the ACTIV presentation is assigned to.

Important: We highly recommend not opening multiple (platform-related) tabs when using the platform in general, to avoid such issues.

Error. Code: 422

What does this mean?

Error code 422 can occur in two different cases:

  • When there are multiple instances of the same ACTIV presentation being edited & saved at the same time as you. This could either be due to having it open across multiple tabs/browsers yourself or, another user (or users) editing & saving the same ACTIV presentation. 

    For example, if you open an ACTIV presentation X to edit it, but another admin (e.g. John Smith) is already editing presentation X and has made some changes. If you make some changes and attempt to save presentation X, it will show you a 422 error code/message.
  • If you try to delete shared content from a presentation that does not contain the shared file on any of the slides of the ACTIV presentation. Shared content will appear on ALL libraries for even ACTIV presentations that are not using the content so it is possible that the delete button will appear for shared content, offering the possibility to delete, however, this will not let the user save the presentation afterwards and a 422 error will appear.

The fix?

Firstly, please ensure that you do not have multiple instances of the (same) ACTIV presentation open yourself. If this is not the case, it will mean someone else is currently editing it, in which case you will need to wait until they are done. So, please try again later. Additionally, please make sure that you are using shared content within any of the slides of the presentation (so you can delete the content safely).

If you require any further assistance with this, please contact

for: adm;

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