Minimum & Recommended Technical Requirements

You can access World Manager through a web browser on a desktop or laptop computer, or through our Mobile apps on your iOS or Android device. Regardless of the device, you choose to access the platform with, you'll need a reliable and stable internet connection.

Before you jump on to the platform, check that you have the minimum required software.

Desktop Requirements


The World Manager platform supports the following browsers:

Supported browser Version
Google Chrome Latest stable release (read more)
Mozilla Firefox Latest stable release (read more)
Apple Safari Latest stable release (read more)
Microsoft Edge Latest stable release (read more)

Note: Stable releases are the most recent, fully updated version of a web browser intended for most end-users. All of the browsers listed above have automatic updates enabled by default, so you should always be up-to-date and receive the best experience.

Important: Please note, that logging into the platform via virtualisation or kiosk software such as Citrix or KioWare is not supported. If you experience any issues accessing the platform this way, please contact the vendor directly.

Mobile Browser Requirements

Operating System (OS): Google Android OS 9+ or Apple iOS 10+ (iPhone or iPad).

Mobile App Requirements

Operating System (OS): Google Android 10+ or the latest versions of Apple iOS 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18.

Important: We increase the OS requirement on an annual basis, one (1) month after the release of a new OS version. This means that, support will be dropped for the lowest version annually.

Desktop Recommendations

The minimum supported screen width for Desktop is 1600px.

Windows: World Manager works best when using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Mac: World Manager works best when using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

Mobile Recommendations

We recommend using iOS 15+ or Android version 10.0+ to ensure your devices are running their best. 

Note: If you experience any issues with earlier mobile versions, the issue may be related to the operating system and not the World Manager® App. In all cases, we recommend updating to the latest available version of iOS or Android and a fresh install of your World Manager® App.

Bandwidth Requirements

There is no minimum bandwidth requirement for our platforms. Page load times are largely depended on the type and size of content you upload to the platform. If you upload large videos/images, then users will need to have enough bandwidth to deliver that content in a timely manner.

As an example, if your Dashboard has a lot of image and video widgets, it will always load for everyone (regardless of bandwidth), but the quicker the connection, the quicker the page will load.

Note: If you experience any slowness issues, please consult with your IT department first to ensure there is no issue with your connection. If the problem persists, then please contact our Support Team at

Tip: For more information regarding content types and sizing, please refer to the following article: Using Image Files on the World Manager Platform.



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