Human Resources - Contract Generation

Contract Generation is the latest tool available on your World Manager platform in the Human Resources suite. It introduces a paperless, convenient way for platform administrators to generate employment contracts for potential candidates straight from the Recruitment tool. This is done by the creation of a Document and Package Builder used to create templates as well as a custom built Candidate Portal for Candidates to review and accept employment contracts.


Before creating any Package or Document for Contract Generation is recommended to review what type of information the forms section is capturing for said Packages or Documents. Forms in Contract Generation are a tool that can help you get specific information needed for the contract process from either the Candidate or Manager involved. To add any fields or apply any changes to these forms, please contact

Additionally for more information on what specific fields can be updated or added please check the following article: Contract Generation - Creating Forms

Document and Package Builder

The Document and Package Builder enables World and National Level users the ability to create and track offers of employment using reusable forms, sections, documents and packages created as templates, as well as the use of electronic signatures.

How does it work?

A Package is what you send to a Candidate to offer them a position. This is done through the candidate portal, but first, you need to determine what documents need to be included in the package and to do that you need to create documents. This is done by creating individual sections to form a document. One unique feature of the Document and Package builder is that Sections can be reused in multiple Documents and Documents can be reused in multiple Packages.

The below diagram illustrates the workflow of the Document and Package Builder for Contract Generation in 4 steps:

1. Create Sections

2. Create a Document by adding multiple Sections

3. Create a Package by adding multiple Documents and Forms

4. Offer a Package to a Candidate

Candidate Portal

In the Recruitment Tool, Applicants who are being considered for employment are called Candidates. Once a Candidate is at the Hire stage of Recruitment they can be made an offer of employment. The Candidate is then provided with a guest account on the World Manager platform.

Note: Candidates have restricted access to the Candidate Portal Only and cannot access other areas of the platform

The custom-built candidate portal is where candidates can review Contact Details, their Contract Package and Sign their Contract of employment. Once the Candidate signs, the Manager then signs and employment can begin.

Contact Generation Video Tutorial

Part One - Creating Contract Templates

Part Two - Creating New Contracts, Sending and Signing Contracts


Contract Generation was released in version 9.0 on April 18, 2018.  Any brands not currently utilising the HR Suite can contact their Relationship Manager to get started on setting up this new tool or get in touch with our Support Team via if you have any questions.

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