Tips for Targeting Incident Reports

Below are some of the best practices to follow when you are setting up the targeting of Incident Reports to ensure that the relevant people are able to submit and see reports of that type.

When you are creating an Incident Report there are 3 targeting sections:

  1. Incident Report Targeting
  2. Assigned Manager Targeting
  3. Escalation Manager Targeting

Note: The Assigned Manager & Escalation Manager need to be at a higher level than the submitter of the report and have visibility of the location the incident report is submitted for in order to receive the report.

Incident Report Targeting Section

The incident report targeting section lets you choose who can submit the report.

Most of the time if your business's workflow is structured so that there are a large number of employees who will be submitting incident reports, it is best to keep the submitter targeting as broad as possible. For example, we recommend using Group or Location where possible. and not specific account targeting, so that when new a employee joins do you do not need to manually add them to the targeting.

Assigned Manager Targeting

The Assigned Manager targeting controls who will receive a copy of the report and who can 'follow up' on the report. 

Usually, there will be a relatively smaller number of Assigned Managers for a report and the managers are less likely to have a high turnover rate so it becomes a good situation to use "Specific Account" targeting. Keep in mind that new managers will not be automatically added to the targeting if you use "Specific Account" targeting, so where possible group or location targeting is preferred.

Since the Assigned Manager will also need to be at a higher level than the submitter in the hierarchy, it is also okay to leave the report as all locations, groups & accounts selected, as only the submitter's manager will receive the report. However, for most businesses, things are rarely so simple and you will likely need to manage the accounts that are targeted by the report.

Escalation Manager Targeting

Depending on your business's structure you may want to have the report escalate to headquarters or another manager at the store. A report can be escalated manually by an assigned manager or automatically, if a selectable number of days has passed since the report was submitted, without the report being closed.

The tips for settings the escalation managers are the same as for the Assigned Managers. It is usually best to select a small number of accounts, usually using specific account targeting, to receive the report if it hasn't been followed up in time. Usually the escalation manager will be at a high level account that is able to oversee the reports on a macro level.

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