Completing an E-Learning Module

E-Learning modules require you to provide answers to one or more questions, and may include some Learning Content that you must first go through. This article will provide information surrounding the process of going through an E-Learning module, and details about key components in the process.

Details page

When opening an E-Learning module, the first page you will be presented with is the Details page, which contains important information about the module.

Example details page

  • Name – The name of the E-Learning module that you have opened.
  • Fuel Gauge – The name of the Fuel Gauge that this module belongs to. See Fuel Gauges for more information.
  • Instructions – Any further information the creator of the module has provided.
  • Number of Questions – Number of questions that are contained inside of the module. Every module has at least one question.
  • Pass Mark – The percentage (%) value of correct answers out of total answers you must attain for the status of this module to be set as Pass.
  • Learning Content – Information about any further content that has been attached to this module. The information in this section will differ depending on the type of content. If learning content has been attached, it will be presented to you when the module is begun, before the main test component of the module. This learning content may sometimes include a test that you are required to pass before being allowed to continue onto the main test component of the E-Learning module.
  • Status – The current state of this test. This can be either Not Attempted, In Progress, Pass, or Fail.
  • Back – Button that allows you to return to the previous page.
  • Begin – Button that allows you to begin the module.

Common Components

Although there are a variety of question and slide types that may make up a test, they all contain some common components that relate to operating the test.

Note: These tests may be laid out or appear differently to the examples shown below, depending on the training template chosen by the test creator, and the device being used to undertake the test.

Instructions page

Upon reaching the test component of the module, you may be shown the instructions of the module once more, if instructions for the module were added. Otherwise, you will immediately be shown the questions and/or slides that make up the test. 

Example test, showing module name and instructions

Navigation bar

This bar is present on the bottom or right hand side of the page throughout the entire test, and contains information and functions for the test. 

Example navigation bar

The left hand side of the bar is made up of a number of circles, representing each slide of the test (including the introduction at the beginning and result page at the end). It also indicates the slide you are currently on by highlighting the relevant circle.

This bar also contains Back and Next buttons which allow you to navigate forwards and backwards through the test. The forward button is typically not clickable on question slides until an answer has been provided.

There is also a Check button, which lets you submit your answer. This button might not appear until an answer has been entered.

If an external resource is provided for the slide, it can be accessed by clicking on the world icon. This will take you to a webpage that may help you in answering the question.

Close button

In the upper-right corner of the test page is a button that will allow you to save your progress and return to the details page, changing the status of your test to In Progress. Once the test is in this state, pressing the Begin button will let you continue from the point you had closed the test.

Test's close button

Results page

The final slide of every test is the results page, letting you know the outcome of the test. It will tell you your score (as the number of correct answers out of total questions, as well as a percentage), the passing mark as a percentage, and the result of the test.

Results page, showing that the user has passed

Note: You must press the Exit button to submit the finished test. Pressing the Close button in the upper-right corner will set the status of your test to In Progress, and not show that you have actually finished the test.

Questions and Slides

Aside from the common components described above, an E-Learning module's test is made up of some combination of the following slides:

Click on any of the links above to find out more information.

Calculating Module Duration Times

Module duration times are calculated by the duration of time spent on the questionnaire itself within the Module. Duration is shown as the 'Total Time' in the platform and reflects the amount of time the user spends in the questionnaire. This means an accumulation of time between the beginning and end of any period of activity within a questionnaire. This does not include content or videos duration's within the module.

A period of activity can be considered to be when a user begins or resumes a questionnaire, and ends when a user either answers the final question, saves and exits or, the last action/activity before their session times out.

An example of when the 'Total Time' duration is not included, is when a user exits the module and resumes a number of days later. As this portion of time would be considered a period of inactivity and therefore will not be included in the 'Total Time'.

Note: You can view the 'Total Time' of a questionaire (as well as other stats) by viewing the results of a module for an individual account through their training results.  To do this, Search for the user, choose View Training Results, then choose the module. E.g. Below

Example of module results showing the

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