Creating a Notice

This article provides details on the different options that are available when creating a Notice. These are the same options shown when editing existing notices.

To begin creating a new Notice, click the New Notice button.


  • Title – The main reference given to this Notice. This is the title that users will see in their Notices tool and widget.
  • Targeting selectors – Used to determine which users will be able to see this Notice. See Targeting for more information.
  • Attach Content –  Provides the ability to attach files or links to the Notice. Setting this option to Yes will reveal to further options, allowing you to decide between setting a link or using a file upload field to include a file from your device. Click Add Another File to add more than one file.
  • Email Template Style – This option determines what look and feel the notice will have when it is sent out via email. Initially set to Default, this can be set to Custom to reveal a dropdown that allows you to choose another email template style that has been made available on your platform. See Adding Email Template Styles for more information (requires World Level access).
  • Content – Text area with a rich text editor, allowing for sophisticated text formatting. This is where you will compose the main part of the notice. In addition to the usual rich text functionality found in other parts of the platform, the rich text editor found here in the Notices tool also allows for uploading of images directly from the posting device.

Warning: When adding images directly into the Notice via the insert/edit icon, the size limit is 10MB in the editor. If you need to add larger files you can use the attach content option listed above with a maximum limit of 100MB

  • Active – Makes the Notice available for users to view and read.
  • Auto Activation – This option will allow you to make a notice activate automatically on a given date.
  • Mandatory – This option will make it compulsory for targeted users to mark the Notice as read. Upon logging into the platform, targeted users will be immediately presented with all of their Notices, and will be unable to access any other part of the platform until the Notices have been read. Mandatory Notices also contribute to user training completion, and are stored as an item under a Notices fuel gauge.
  • Expiry Date – Option that allows you to set a date, after which the Notice will be removed from users' regular view of Notices, and kept in the archival view. This option can also be used to set the Notice to never expire.
  • Allow Replies – Turning this option on allows users to reply to the Notice. See Replying to Notices for more information.
  • Notify Creator – Turning this option on will send an email to the poster's email address whenever the Notice is replied to, containing the content of the reply.

Uploading an Image directly to a Notice

The text editor has the option to upload images directly to a Notice's content.

To upload an image click the image icon in the text editor and then click the up-arrow icon.

Submitting the Notice

Once the above information has been entered, you can submit the Notice using the Save button, or you can both submit and broadcast the Notice as a push notification to your users that have the mobile app installed on their device, by using the Send button. See Sending a Notice for more information.

Mandatory Notices

When a user has a mandatory notice they need to read they will be locked out of the platform until they have acknowledged the Notice.

The user needs to click the 'Read' icon next to the Notice to indicate that the notice has been read. 

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