Creating Incident Reports (Forms)

Now, let’s see how we create the Incident Reports.

From World Level, select a country, then go to Operations → Incident Reports and click on the New Incident Report button.

To create a New Incident Report – first name the form – this is what people will see in their drop down box in the tool. 

The first option for Targeting is who will be able to submit these types of forms.

The Assigned Manager is who will receive it after the it has been submitted – note this tool follows the hierarchy going up.

Incident Escalation is who the report will go to if the Assigned Manager has not actioned it within a set time or the assigned manager can manually escalate it to – again this follows the hierarchy. 

Tip: You can set the default amount of days for incident escalation within 'System → System Configuration'.

Instructions are the part that the submitter will see when they first select the template from the drop-down box.

Email notifications will allow notifications to the Assigned Managers during the process.

Action Plan will turn on the action plan functionality when the Assigned Manager receives the report. See Using Action Plans for more information.

As this tool is in the Operations Suite, it is attached to the location. This also means there is the option for all people within the location to view this form – which could be important in matters such as customer injury or hazard. The Limit Access field means that only the Submitter and Assigned Manager of the form will be able to review the form.

Note: The report cannot be made active just yet as we need to add in sections and questions first.

Save – Press this button to create the Incident Report.

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