All About the Franchise Sales Optimization Dashboard

Welcome to the Franchise Sales Optimization Dashboard, your ultimate tool for streamlining and enhancing the sales process within your franchise. This dashboard provides a suite of KPI cards that allow you to monitor and analyze various critical aspects of lead management—from the initial addition of new leads to their final closure or classification as dead leads. Whether you are looking to measure the effectiveness of your sales strategies, understand the distribution of leads among your team, or optimize the speed at which leads are contacted and closed, this dashboard empowers you with all of the data you need. In this article, we will guide you through each component of the dashboard to help you leverage its features for maximum sales performance and efficiency.


Accessing the Sales Optimization Dashboard

To access the Sales Optimization Dashboard, first log into your FranConnect environment. On the left-hand sidebar, click Analytics.


On the following page, click the View button on the "Franchise Sales Optimization" card.


You will be taken to the Franchise Sales Optimization dashboard:


Let's cover each individual component of this dashboard.

New Leads Added

The "New Leads Added" card tracks the influx of new potential customers over a specified period. It is essential for understanding how many new leads enter your sales pipeline.


The data for this card is pulled from the report that can be found at Sales → Dashboard → Contact Report Dashboard in FranConnect. Set the date from the first of the month to the current day and you should see the same number.

Closed Leads

The "Closed Leads" card focuses on leads that have successfully converted into sales, specifically those where a franchise was awarded.


The data for this card is pulled from the report that can be found at Sales → Reports → Closings per Month Report in FranConnect.

Dead Lead

This card tracks leads that have been marked as dead or killed, providing insight into potential issues in the sales funnel that may be causing lead loss.


The data for this card is pulled from the report that can be found at Sales → Reports → Lead Status Report in FranConnect. Set the date from the first of the month to the current day and look at the "Dead Lead" number at the bottom of the report.

Days to Close

"Days to Close" calculates the average duration it takes to close a lead, from the day it was added to the day the franchise was awarded.



The data for this card is pulled from the report that can be found at Sales → Reports → Lead Status Report in FranConnect. Filter by "Status-Franchise Awarded" and "Status Change Date" between selected dates. Understanding this metric can help you streamline the sales process to close leads faster.

Speed to Lead

This metric evaluates how quickly a lead is contacted after being added to the system.


This box is updated hourly to show you how quickly leads are being contacted. It is critical for improving lead conversion by enhancing response times.

Lead Distribution

The "Lead Distribution" card uses pie charts to show how leads are distributed among different lead owners, sources, and source details.


View distributions based on the total number of leads assigned to specific categories, providing a percentage breakdown. This insight is valuable for optimizing lead assignment and understanding the most effective lead sources.

Let's take a look at how this data is calculated in the FranConnect system:

  • Lead Owner: (Total # of leads assigned to a specific owner) / (Total # of leads) * 100
  • Lead Source: (Total # of leads assigned to Lead Source) / (Total # of leads) * 100
  • Source Details: (Total # of leads assigned to Source Details) / (Total # of leads) * 100
  • Lead Killed Reason: Sales → Reports → Killed Lead Count by Source Report → Apply Lead Killed Date Filter (Choose "is between")

Next, let's take a look at the Sales Funnel/Trends card.

Sales Funnel/Trends

The "Sales Funnel" card allows you to filter the "Trends" card by lead status. The "Trends" card compares various lead metrics such as new, closed, and contacted leads, across different months and lead owners.


Analyze the conversion rates at each stage to identify where leads are dropping off. This visualization helps in pinpointing inefficiencies and potential improvements in the sales funnel. This grid view allows for a comparative analysis over time, providing insights into trends and performance fluctuations. The data for this card can be found in the FranConnect system at Sales → Reports → Lead Status Report.


By integrating these features into your daily operations, the Franchise Sales Optimization Dashboard serves as a powerful tool in your arsenal to drive sales, improve efficiencies, and ultimately grow your business. If you encounter any issues or have further questions about utilizing these tools, please consult our detailed FAQs or contact our support team for personalized assistance.

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