Education Suite - User Types

User Types

There are two (2) types of Education Suite users, described as below:

1. RTO Admin

Responsible for managing the entire suite, including users, content creation and overall configuration. This would typically be the Registered Training Organisation (RTO) member that's in charge of managing the Qualifications, UOCs, Student Declarations, training content and more. However, it could also be a World Manager partner, or even your company itself (should you choose to manage this).

2. RTO Trainer

Responsible for managing the students, including content overview & completion. This would typically be your in-house training staff.

Note: Both of these accounts types are completely separate to the usual administrator and manager-level accounts found in the platform (e.g. World Manager, Area Manager etc.). Therefore separate accounts will need to be created for these users (more on this below).

Creating Education Suite Users

Both types of Education Suite users can only be created/managed by an existing 'RTO Admin' account. Please see instructions below:

1. Log in with your 'RTO Admin' account

2. Go to 'System → Accounts'

3. Click on the New Account button

4. Complete all required fields

5. In the User Type field, select either "RTO Admin" or "RTO Trainer"

Tip: By ticking receive notifications this means the account will receive important content such as training completion notifications and when someone enrols.

6. Click on the Save button (once done)

Note: If you do not have an existing 'RTO Admin' account, please contact for assistance.

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