
Qualifications are the framework, which consists of various training that the trainee will need to complete, in order to be marked as 'competent' and achieved the qualification. This section is made up of putting together the existing training content from the Training Suite in both parts of the platform and mapping it to the Units of Competency that is created in the System Suite.

Managing Qualifications

Qualifications can only be managed by an existing 'RTO Admin' account. Please see instructions below:

1. Log in with your 'RTO Admin' account

2. Go to 'Administration → Qualifications'

Here you will see a list of existing Qualifications (if any), as well as be able to create new ones.

Creating a Qualification

1. Click on the New Qualification button

2. Complete all required fields

3. In the Sequence field, select either "No Sequence", "Flexible Sequence" or "Strict Sequence"

Tip: Refer to the description of each sequence type, in order to choose the one that best fits your requirement.

4. Click on the Save button (once done)

Creating Qualification Sections

Once you have created a Qualification, it's time to add a Section (or Sections). These Sections are what make up a Qualification, similar to how Fuel Gauges are used with (regular) training, and are where you will assign the various training modules.

1. Click on the New Section button

2. Complete all required fields

3. In the Qualification Group field, select an existing Qualification (e.g. the one you created from the previous steps)

4. Click on the Save button (once done)

Assigning Training to Sections

Upon saving your new Section, you will be redirected to the 'View Qualification' page. Here is where you will be able to assign the various training modules to your Qualification, and map them to UOC(s).

As you can see, there are 4x different types of training. In this example, we will be providing instructions for assigning an E-Learning module. However, the process is the same for all four.

1. Click on the Assign E-Learning Module button

2. In the Country field, select a country you wish to generate the list of available E-Learning modules from

Note: By default, the 'Training Academy' country is selected in the Country field. However, you can also select a different country, or world, to also include (regular) modules that you have created within the Training Suite.

Important: This field is not available for the 'Assignment' training type, as it is exclusive to the Education Suite.

3. In the Fuel Gauge field, select the fuel gauge you wish to assign the module to

Important: This field is not available for the 'Assignment' training type, as it is exclusive to the Education Suite.

4. In the E-Learning field, select the module you wish to assign

Tip: If you select a (regular) training module, which was not created in the Education Suite, the completion status remains attached to it. This means that if the student has already completed it via their 'My Training', it will already be marked as complete within the Qualification.

5. Under the UOC Mapping section, select the UOC this module will be mapped to

Tip: You can map the module to up to three (3) UOCs (if required).

6. Repeat Step 1 through 5 (to assign additional training modules)

7. Click on the Save button (once done)

Note: If you do not have an existing 'RTO Admin' account, please contact wmsupport@franconnect.com for assistance.

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