Trainee Enrollment

The Trainee Enrollment page will display the complete list of employees who are ready to be enrolled, or are potentially eligible to complete the course, as well as if this is enabled a fee for service option.

Tip: Use the various filtering options available to narrow down the list of trainees by location, group type, enrolment status and more. You can also search for specific trainees by name.

Application Statuses

Please refer to the below descriptions of each application status:

Ready To Be Enrolled

All employees who have been 'allowed' to enrol into an applicable traineeship (by their manager), and are ready to be assigned a qualification by the RTO Admin.

Eligible for Funding

All employees who have met the eligibility criteria, but are waiting for their manager to 'allow' them to enrol into an applicable traineeship.

Fee for Service

All employees who have met the Fee for Service (FFS) eligibility criteria, but are waiting for their manager to 'allow' them to enrol into an applicable traineeship.

Potential Trainees

All employees who have potentially met the eligibility criteria, but are waiting for their manager to review + 'allow' them to enrol into an applicable traineeship.

Declined Trainees

All employees who have been declined from a enrolling into a traineeship on your platform.

Tip: Clicking on an employee's name will bring up their profile. There is also a link to view their application form.

The list of employees generated from each of these statuses will show the following information:

  • Full Name
  • Employee Start (date)
  • Eligibility Type
  • Auto Eligibility (status)
  • Employer Allow (status)
  • Trainee Applied (status)
  • AASN Eligibility (status)
  • Last Login (date)
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