Multiple Brand Management

Companies can greatly improve their sales process with the FranConnect Brand Management feature. If your franchise concept has multiple brands, a lead owner can configure multiple brand capability and associate their leads with their respected brands they’re interested in.

Note: The Brand Management feature is off by default. In order to enable the feature, you’d need to send a request to, and we’d update the settings on the back end.

Once the configuration setting is updated, please follow the below steps to add your brands.

On the top right corner, click the Action wheel and go to Admin.


Click on Brand Management from the navigation bar in the left hand, and select Add Brand.


Enter the name of your brand and click on Submit.6-24-2022_1-20-54_PM.pngThe system would automatically redirect you to the Brand Management Page, and you can associate specific lead owners to each Brand.6-24-2022_1-23-29_PM.png

Select the users and click on Save.

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